I was up by 715am, but Neil was long gone. He said he likes to be on the road by 0600hrs!

I had a nice few km of downhill miles to Villefort. Which was appreciated as the legs were tired from yesterday.

A couple of pictures back up to Altria.

The road took an upward direction after Villefort until the Col summit. There were Tour De France road closure signs for a great deal of what I rode from now on. The stage date is 21st July. So I might watch to see how easy they make it look.

Now the descent from this one was the most fun so far. Sweeping turns and seeing whether I could out do the cars.

Upon reaching Pont d’Arc it started raining and stayed that way until early evening. It wasn’t cold though so I didn’t bother to get the jacket out. The riding was upwards from now on, but with impressive views through the gorge.

I arrived in Aigueze, picked up supplies and then cycled on looking for a campsite. The slight issue is that there were none so I ended up riding the next stage of nearly 30 miles where the book said one could be found. Those 30 miles were uninspiring but on the bright side the rain cleared and the sun came out again.

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